About the BIML

The Secretariat and headquarters of the OIML

11, rue Turgot, 75009 Paris, France
The International Bureau of Legal Metrology (BIML) ensures both the day-to-day running of OIML activities and the planning of longer term actions.
Its tasks include:
- organizing the meetings of the Committee and the Conference,
- taking care of the implementation of the Conference and Committee decisions,
- assuring the secretariat of the Presidential Council and appropriate working groups,
- supervising and coordinating the OIML's technical work and publishing and distributing the publications of the Organization,
- publishing the OIML Bulletin and maintaining the OIML website,
- maintaining contacts with other organizations pursuing an activity connected with that of the Organization,
- preparing and implementing the budget of the Organization, and presenting financial reports to the CIML.