News and events

NEW 2024-12-03: The NIM (CN) OIML IA scope has been extended to include R 46:2012. Their scope is available here
2024-10-10: LNE-GMED UK Limited has been approved as an OIML Issuing Authority under the OIML-CS. Their scope is available here
2024-10-09: LNE-GMED UK Limited is now a Utilizer under the OIML-CS. Their scope can be found here
Future meetings and events
Tenth OIML-CS Management Committee Meeting and associated events
Prague, Czech Republic
25-27 March 2025
Management Committee Meetings
Ninth OIML-CS Management Committee Meeting (New Delhi, India)
6-7 March 2024
Eighth OIML-CS Management Committee Meeting (METAS, Bern-Wabern, Switzerland)
16-17 March 2023
Seventh OIML-CS Management Committee Meeting (videoconference)
22-23 March 2022
Sixth OIML-CS Management Committee Meeting (videoconference)
24-25 March 2021
Fifth OIML-CS Management Committee Meeting (videoconference)
2 July 2020
Fourth OIML-CS Management Committee Meeting (videoconference)
2 June 2020
Third OIML-CS Management Committee Meeting (videoconference)
19 May 2020
Second OIML-CS Management Committee Meeting
Delft, Netherlands
20-21 March 2019
First OIML-CS Management Committee Meeting
Sydney, Australia
21-22 March 2018
OIML-CS seminars and workshops
OIML-CS Seminar
Hangzhou, P.R. China
15–17 July 2019
GULFMET Workshop
OIML-CS: Promoting global harmonization for measuring instruments
Oman, Muscat
23 April 2019
Moscow, Russia
16 May 2018
First OIML-CS Management Committee Meeting
Sydney, Australia
21-22 March 2018
OIML-CS Seminar
Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
9 October 2017
OIML-CS Seminar
Shanghai, P.R. China
15 June 2017
OIML-CS articles and reports
2023-04 OIML Bulletin Article: Eighth OIML-CS Management Committee meeting
2022-04 OIML Bulletin Article: Implementation of the OIML-CS in P.R. China
2022-04 OIML Bulletin Article: Seventh OIML-CS Management Committee meeting
2021-04 OIML Bulletin Article: Sixth OIML-CS Management Committee meeting
2020-07 OIML Bulletin Article: OIML Certification System (OIML-CS) Management Committee meetings
2019-07 OIML Bulletin Article: OIML-APLMF Seminar on the OIML-CS, P.R. China
2019-07 OIML Bulletin Article: III International Congress on legal metrology, Bogota, Colombia
2019-04 OIML Bulletin Article: Second OIML-CS Management Committee meeting
2018-07 OIML Bulletin Article: Update on the OIML Certification System (OIML-CS)
2018-01 OIML Bulletin Article: Launch of the OIML Certification System (OIML-CS)
2017-07 OIML Bulletin Article: OIML Certification System (OIML-CS) Seminar
2017-07 OIML Bulletin Article: OIML Certification System (OIML-CS)