The OIML Bulletin (ISSN 0473-2812) is the Journal of the Organisation Internationale de Métrologie Légale (OIML). It is published online, quarterly, free of charge.

Editor-in-Chief: Anthony Donnellan
Editor: Chris Pulham



International and Regional
Legal Metrology Systems


:: Contents ::


Dr Mike Nelson
Dr Charles D. Ehrlich


t  e  c  h  n  i  q  u  e


  1. Ensuring reliable vehicle emission inspection results with the use of certified reference materials
    Najjy Hamad Al Yami, Abdullah Suleiman Al Owaysi, Abdulrahman Rashed Al Askar,  Adel Bassuoni Shehata, Sultan K. Alharbi
e  v  o  l  u  t  i  o  n  s


  1. Legal metrology systems in the Asia-Pacific Region
    Tsuyoshi Matsumoto
  2. Second Gulf Metrology Forum: Discussion on discusses the role of metrology in enhancing industrial capabilities and promoting sustainability and innovation
    Eng. Omar S. Kanakrieh
  3. The Costa Rican Legal Metrology System
    M.Sc. Sandra Marcela Rodríguez Zúñiga, Eng. Francisco Ramírez Montiel, M.Sc. Fernando Andrés Monge
  4. The European single market for measuring instruments
    Pavel Klenovský
  5. BIPM-OIML Joint Knowledge Transfer initiative
    Chingis Kuanbayev, Ian Dunmill
  6. Legal Framework of Regional and International Legal Metrology Systems in the Mutual Recognition of Measurement Results
    Sergey Aleksandrovich Denisenko, Lev Konstantinovich Isaev
  7. Legal metrology in Iraq
    Gailan Hashim Mustafa
  8. The importance of metrology: From early civilization to digitalisation – the Indian perspective
    Dr Mukesh Kumar
  9. Weights and measures implementation framework for verified gross mass (VGM) guidelines under the Safety Of Life At Sea (SOLAS) Conventions
    Henry Maeda


u p d a t e


  1. OIML Certification System (OIML-CS)
  2. Promotion of the OIML Bulletin: Become a Mentor; Future Bulletin editions
  3. OIML meetings, Membership, Committee Drafts received by the BIML, Announcements




The Editors disclaim any liability for claims made in articles, which are the sole responsibility of the authors concerned.