
Dr Michael Nelson


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Dr Charles Ehrlich
CIML First Vice-President and
RLMO Round Table Chair


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Special edition: International and Regional Legal Metrology Systems

In the spirit of the Regional Legal Metrology Organizations Round Table (RLMO RT), we are pleased to present a dedicated special edition of the OIML Bulletin that highlights Regional Legal Metrology Systems in some of the RLMOs around the world, as well as recent capacity-building and knowledge transfer (CBKT) initiatives for assisting Countries and Economies with Emerging Metrology Systems (CEEMS).

This sequel to the April 2023 OIML Bulletin on RLMOs is a highly informative compilation of articles that address everything from the origins and designs of legal metrology systems in various parts of the world, to the interconnection of economies in the RLMOs, to present-day efforts that promote economic growth and societal wellbeing through capacity building.

For the past seventeen years, delegates of the RLMOs have convened at the RLMO RT, a dedicated forum of the OIML where members discuss initiatives, priorities, and topical issues that arise in their respective regions. The group has helped its members become better attuned to the impact and evolution of this vital layer of legal metrology infrastructure while also seeding international collaborations.

Originally an annual in-person event held alongside the CIML meeting, the RLMO RT is now an online event conducted three times every year. This change in format has significantly increased attendance from a broader range of participants, which has in turn bolstered collaborative activity and awareness of notable developments across the six regions.

Although the six RLMOs are distinct both from one another and from the OIML, they share a common goal of organizing and facilitating important legal metrology activities throughout their respective regions and economies. Representatives of these organizations often find that they face comparable challenges, technological trends, and opportunities.

Each RT meeting covers a variety of topics relevant to the regions. In addition to update reports given by the RLMOs, the forum discusses current matters, from an RLMO perspective, concerning the OIML-CS, CEEMS, e-Learning, the Digitalization Task Group (OIML DTG), and Smart Meters. Such a forum promoting inspiration and cooperation in addressing these matters provides a high return on the time and effort that members invest to engage in this community. The OIML website provides more information about the RT, hosts a dedicated PG Workspace for RT members, and contains links to each RLMO website.

We hope you enjoy reading these articles as much as we have, and learn something new about how the RLMOs have grown and continue to grow. Many thanks to the authors for sharing these insights about the important role that regional initiatives play in nourishing legal metrology systems and bettering the global legal metrology community.

We hope you enjoy your summer and that we see you at the next RLMO RT meeting in September!


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