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Promotion of the OIML Bulletin: Become a Mentor


The OIML Bulletin is one, if not the only, international publication dedicated to legal metrology topics.


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In accordance with CIML Resolutions 2019/30 and 2020/21, there is a clear desire amongst OIML Members for the Bulletin to continue to be an attractive publication for legal metrology worldwide, and for it to be an excellent advertisement for our Organisation.

This has been achieved through long-term planning of the future editions and identification of key topics of high interest, for instance, legal control of measuring instruments in the fields of energy, health and the environment, where important aspects such as new technology, legal requirements, or test/verification procedures will be addressed.

In addition, support has been sought from CIML Members and Corresponding Member Representatives who have taken on the responsibility of acting as “Mentors” for future editions, certain key topics, or specific technical articles. The role of “Mentors” is to support the Editor of the Bulletin by coordinating the development of articles for a key topic through the identification of authors / experts. It is not necessarily expected that articles are written by the “Mentors” themselves, but by experts that a “Mentor” has identified and contacted.

In order to identify key topics of significant interest for future editions and “Mentors” to lead them, the BIML prepares, and makes available on the OIML website (www.oiml.org/en/publications/bulletin/future-editions), a plan for the upcoming four to six editions of the Bulletin.

The table on this page is intended to be “dynamic”, i.e. proposed key topics may be moved to other editions depending on available “Mentors” and authors for technical articles.

All CIML Members and Corresponding Member Representatives are encouraged to support the OIML Bulletin, to share their legal metrology experiences with the legal metrology community worldwide, and to take responsibility either as a “Mentor” for one of the next editions of the Bulletin, or by promoting it at TC/SC/Project Group meetings, RLMO meetings, CEEMS AG meetings, and other opportunities.

CIML Members and Corresponding Member Representatives who would like to be a “Mentor” for a specific edition / key topic, or who would like to suggest that a new key topic be added to the list, are asked to contact the BIML (chris.pulham@oiml.org).



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