The OIML Bulletin (ISSN 0473-2812) is the Journal of the Organisation Internationale de Métrologie Légale (OIML). It is published online, quarterly, free of charge.

Editor-in-Chief: Anthony Donnellan
Editor: Chris Pulham



Volumetric measurements


:: Contents ::


Wim Volmer

A final word from your (retiring) Editor
Chris Pulham


t  e  c  h  n  i  q  u  e


  1. Towards harmonized mass and volume measurements for LNG custody transfer
    Menne Schakel and Erik Smits
  2. Proven success with the world's first bunkering master meter
    Daryl Lim
  3. Linking the readings of an ALG to the calibration table of a tank
    Samoilenko Oleksandr, Zaiets Volodymyr, Akolzin Ivan
e  v  o  l  u  t  i  o  n  s


  1. Evolution and sustainability of digital transformation in government services:
    A case study of Nigeria’s Public Sector - the digitalization of the Legal Metrology Agency
    Salim Muktar Mohammed
  2. Measurement Canada’s evaluation of hydrogen blending in natural gas
    Arezoo Habibagahi
  3. The fluid flow and volume measurement OIML Recommendations applied to the oil and gas upstream market in Brazil
    Edisio Alves de Aguiar Junior, Iris Trindade Chacon and Marcelo Luís Figueiredo Morais


u p d a t e


  1. OIML Certification System (OIML-CS)
  2. Promotion of the OIML Bulletin: Become a Mentor; Future Bulletin editions
  3. OIML meetings, Membership, Committee Drafts received by the BIML, Announcements




The Editors disclaim any liability for claims made in articles, which are the sole responsibility of the authors concerned.