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D 1-enNational metrology systems – Developing the institutional and legislative framework20202021-02-19AvailableCEEMS
D 2-enLegal units of measurement20072007-12-03AvailableTC 2
D 3-enLegal qualification of measuring instruments19792002-11-07AvailableTC 3
D 5-enPrinciples for the establishment of hierarchy schemes for measuring instruments20222022-12-05AvailableTC 4
D 8-enMeasurement standards. Choice, recognition, use, conservation and documentation20042005-05-12AvailableTC 4
D 9-enPrinciples of metrological supervision20042005-10-06AvailableTC 3/SC 2
D 10-enILAC-G24/OIML D 10: Guidelines for the determination of recalibration intervals of measuring equipment20222022-12-15AvailableTC 4
D 11-enGeneral requirements for measuring instruments - Environmental conditions20132013-12-18AvailableTC 5/SC 1
D 12-enFields of use of measuring instruments subject to verification19862002-12-10AvailableTC 3/SC 2
D 13-enGuidelines for bi- or multilateral arrangements on the recognition of: test results - pattern approvals - verifications19862002-12-24AvailableTC 3/SC 1
D 14-enTraining and qualification of legal metrology personnel20042005-05-12AvailableCEEMS
D 16-enPrinciples of assurance of metrological control20112011-07-18AvailableTC 3/SC 2
D 17-enHierarchy scheme for instruments measuring the viscosity of liquids19872002-10-31AvailableTC 17/SC 5
D 18-enThe use of certified reference materials in fields covered by metrological control exercised by national services of legal metrology. Basic principles20082009-01-07AvailableTC 3/SC 3
D 19-enPattern evaluation and pattern approval19882002-10-31AvailableTC 3/SC 1
D 20-enInitial and subsequent verification of measuring instruments and processes19882002-10-24AvailableTC 3/SC 1
D 21-enSecondary standard dosimetry laboratories for the calibration of dosimeters used in radiotherapy19902002-10-09AvailableTC 15/SC 1
D 22-enGuide to portable instruments for assessing airborne pollutants arising from hazardous wastes19912002-10-07AvailableTC 16/SC 4
D 23-enPrinciples for metrological control of equipment used for verification19932002-10-07AvailableTC 4
D 24-enTotal radiation pyrometers19962006-01-17AvailableTC 11/SC 3
D 25-enVortex meters used in measuring systems for fluids20102010-06-30AvailableTC 8
D 26-enGlass delivery measures - Automatic pipettes20102010-06-30AvailableTC 8
D 27-enInitial verification of measuring instruments using the manufacturer's quality management system20012001-09-20AvailableTC 3/SC 1
D 28-enConventional value of the result of weighing in air (Revision of R 33)20042005-10-28AvailableTC 9/SC 3
D 30-enGuide for the application of ISO/IEC 17025 to the assessment of Testing Laboratories involved in legal metrology20202020-07-07AvailableOIML-CS/SC 7
D 31-enGeneral requirements for software-controlled measuring instruments20232024-04-05AvailableTC 5/SC 2
D 32-enGuide for the application of ISO/IEC 17065 to assessment of certification bodies in legal metrology20182018-10-16AvailableOIML-CS/SC 7
D 33-enReference standard liquids (Newtonian viscosity standard for the calibration and verification of viscometers)20192020-01-07AvailableTC 17/SC 5
D 34-enConformity to Type (CTT) - Pre-market conformity assessment of measuring instruments20192019-11-21AvailableTC 3/SC 6
D 35-enPetroleum measurement tables20202020-12-14AvailableTC 8
D 36-enPipe provers for testing measuring systems for liquids20202020-12-14AvailableTC 8
D 37-enGuide for the application of ISO/IEC 17020 to the assessment of OIML Issuing Authorities under the OIML Certification System20222022-10-21AvailableOIML-CS/SC 7