OIML-DTG Home page



Since May 2022, the OIML Digitalisation Task Group (DTG) has supported the OIML in the definition of and preparation for its future in the digital era. The DTG examines relevant matters, technological advances and potential impacts related to the digital transformation of legal metrology.

In this work, the DTG takes account of the main areas of the OIML’s activities (technical work, OIML Certification System (OIML-CS), and activities in support of Countries and Economies with Emerging Metrology Systems (CEEMS)), and the interests of OIML Members and stakeholders.

One general aim of the DTG is to support, promote, and coordinate the international harmonisation and implementation of digital transformation in legal metrology in close cooperation with representatives of international and regional organisations in the scientific and quality infrastructure (QI), based on the respective Joint Statement of Intent.

<b>Overview</b><br>of the OIML DTG

of the OIML DTG

The OIML DTG is organised into Subcommittees, ad-hoc working groups, and a Steering Committee

<b>Digital transformation</b><br /> in legal metrology

Digital transformation
in legal metrology

Introduction to general concepts, terminology and principles of digital transformation in legal metrology

<b>Subcommittee</b><br>Smart OIML documents

Smart OIML documents

Guidance and exchange towards machine-readable OIML documents

<b>Subcommittee</b><br />e-Learning


Preparation of material and courses on digitalisation in legal metrology

<b>Events</b><br />concerning the DTG

concerning the DTG

Conferences, workshops, seminars, webinars, and other activities related to the DTG

<b>Joint Statement</b> of Intent

Joint Statement of Intent

Joint Statement of Intent on the digital transformation in the international scientific and quality infrastructure