RLMO RT 2024-09-30

The 2024 meeting of the Regional Legal Metrology Organisation Round Table (RLMO RT)
took took place online on Monday, 30 September 2024 from 10:00–14:00 UTC.
(Click the links to download the presentations)
V1.1 - 2024-08-30
1. Welcome by the RLMO RT Chairperson
2. Roll call/Introductions (of new participants)
3. Update from the Round Table Chairperson
4. Updates from the RLMOs
- WELMEC (Dr. Pavel Klenovský)
- SIM (Ms Sandra Marcela Rodríguez / Mr. Ralph Richter)
- GULFMET (Eng. Amina Al Bastaki)
- COOMET (Mr. Marat Yunusov)
- APLMF (Dr. Yoshi Matsumoto)
- AFRIMETS (Eng. John Paul Musimami)
5. OIML Digitalization Task Group (DTG)
- Update on DTG activities (Dr. Sascha Eichstädt)
- OIML DTG Subcommittee on eLearning (Dr. Cathi Kulka-Peschke)
- Updates from RLMOs on regional digitalization activities
6. CEEMS Activities
- Update on CEEMS AG (Mr. Jaco Marneweck)
- Update on “Chiang Mai Declaration on NEXT legal metrology system (LMS)” (Mr. Chakra Yodmani)
7. 2024 RLMO RT Open Forum discussion topics:
- Water tare in pre-packaged seafood (Mr. Bill Loizides)
- Update on DC electricity metering project in OIML (Dr. Katya Delak)
8. Coordination of E-learning activities among the RLMOs and with OIML
- Follow up on presentation of latest ideas and issues given by Dr. Yoshi Matsumoto, APLMF Training Coordinator
- Update on OIML e-learning platform (Mr. Ian Dunmill)
- Q&A and open discussion
9. Updates on other OIML activities
- Update on OIML-CS (Mr. Marc Schmidt, Mr. Paul Dixon)
- Update on OIML Bulletin topics (Mr. Chris Pulham)
- Update on Web Site and PG Workspace for the RLMO RT (Mr. Chris Pulham / Mr. Luis Mussio)
10. Any other business
11. Meeting conclusions
12. Closing remarks