RLMO RT 2024-09-30


The 2024 meeting of the Regional Legal Metrology Organisation Round Table (RLMO RT)
took took place online on Monday, 30 September 2024 from 10:00–14:00 UTC.


(Click the links to download the presentations)

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V1.1 - 2024-08-30



1. Welcome by the RLMO RT Chairperson

2. Roll call/Introductions (of new participants)

3. Update from the Round Table Chairperson

4. Updates from the RLMOs

  1. WELMEC (Dr. Pavel Klenovský)
  2. SIM (Ms Sandra Marcela Rodríguez / Mr. Ralph Richter)
  3. GULFMET (Eng. Amina Al Bastaki)
  4. COOMET (Mr. Marat Yunusov)
  5. APLMF (Dr. Yoshi Matsumoto)
  6. AFRIMETS (Eng. John Paul Musimami)

5. OIML Digitalization Task Group (DTG)

  1. Update on DTG activities (Dr. Sascha Eichstädt)
  2. OIML DTG Subcommittee on eLearning (Dr. Cathi Kulka-Peschke)
  3. Updates from RLMOs on regional digitalization activities

6. CEEMS Activities

  1. Update on CEEMS AG (Mr. Jaco Marneweck)
  2. Update on “Chiang Mai Declaration on NEXT legal metrology system (LMS)” (Mr. Chakra Yodmani)

7. 2024 RLMO RT Open Forum discussion topics:

  1. Water tare in pre-packaged seafood (Mr. Bill Loizides)
  2. Update on DC electricity metering project in OIML (Dr. Katya Delak)

8. Coordination of E-learning activities among the RLMOs and with OIML

  1. Follow up on presentation of latest ideas and issues given by Dr. Yoshi Matsumoto, APLMF Training Coordinator
  2. Update on OIML e-learning platform (Mr. Ian Dunmill)
  3. Q&A and open discussion

9. Updates on other OIML activities

  1. Update on OIML-CS (Mr. Marc Schmidt, Mr. Paul Dixon)
  2. Update on OIML Bulletin topics (Mr. Chris Pulham)
  3. Update on Web Site and PG Workspace for the RLMO RT (Mr. Chris Pulham / Mr. Luis Mussio)

10. Any other business

11. Meeting conclusions

12. Closing remarks